Here is a detailed guide on how to get a free Government iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 from various mobile networks.
Are you excited just to hear the name free alongside the iPhone 7? Yes, it's possible, and mentioned here is the way you can get a free iPhone from the government.
We all know that the US government has started an initiative to provide low-cost mobile connectivity to all and this program is named as Affordable Connectivity Program, shortly abbreviated as ACP Program. Through this program, qualifying users are eligible to get up to $30 off on monthly phone bills and also a free smartphone which may include an Apple iPhone model, so it may be iPhone 14, 13 or Xs, or iPhone 7. Generally, budget phones are provided under this scheme, and so you get older iPhone models like iPhone 7, iPhone 6S, or iPhone 8. In this guide, check out how to get a free government iPhone 7 from different networks under the ACP scheme. We have discussed free iPhones via the ACP program too.
Free Government iPhone 7
The ACP program is widely accepted by all the major network providers in the United States of America. Eligible users receive $30 monthly off on their phone calls bills while tribal people get up to $75 a month. Alongside with that, you get a free smartphone and here we will talk about networks that provide ACP free iPhone 7 from the government.
Telecom networks such as Cintex Wireless, Assurance Wireless, QLink Wireless, and TruConnect all provide free smartphones with the above-mentioned benefits. You can refer to the whole list of free government phone companies. Along with that, you get a decent smartphone, and most of the networks have mentioned that the choice of device depends on the stock available with them. They have mentioned that there's no guarantee that you will get an iPhone when you opt for ACP with their network. But one network, yes one network which I see guarantees iPhone 7 and free iPhone 7 Plus.
AirTalk Wireless Free iPhone 7 & 7 Plus:
It's only AirTalk Wireless that has guaranteed that you can choose an iPhone 7 when you apply for the ACP program with them.
Doesn't it sound amazing?
If yes, then let's go!
On their official website page, it's mentioned that they provide free Samsung Galaxy S9, Google Pixel phone, Apple iPhone 7 & other popular models. They provide you with the choice of smartphone that you want when the option for ACP plans with them.
For a detailed guide please refer to our other article titled 'AirTalk Wireless Free iPhone via ACP program'.
So what is AirTalk Wireless?
AirTalk Wireless is an MVNO telecom network that offers affordable mobile phone plans with great savings to customers.
Is AirTalk Wireless free iPhone legit?
Yes, the free Apple iPhone deal is legit and there is no fraud here because AirTalk is a participant in the ACP program and there is no big deal in offering older iPhone models. Along with the iPhone 7, you can also get the iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus
Also Read: Is Cintex Wireless Legit?
Free iPhone 14 or iPhone 13:
Since this government initiative provides a new iPhone to you, iPhone 14 will be soon available, or you can get it via upgrade. Check out a guide on how to get a free iPhone 14 legally.
Free iPhone with Food Stamps
Yes, you heard it right, you get an Apple iPhone when you are a Food Stamps or SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) approved family or person. If you have that, you need to choose AirTalk Wireless as the service provider.
So that's how to get free Government iPhone 7 ACP program details. The program is 100% genuine as it's run by the FCC, a telecom regulatory authority in America with the participation from several networks and these telecom providers have to get approval. Do let us know if you have any issues and share it with your friends.
This post was last modified on March 19, 2024 7:43 PM