Where is 717 Area Code Location Map, Cities & Counties

717 Area Code map, location

Check out what and where is 717 Area Code location map, Cities & Counties.

US Telecom regulatory (FCC) has assigned specific state-wise calling codes. For Pennsylvania state, a 717 area code is assigned. If you receive a phone call starting with 717 you should understand that the SIM is registered in the state of Pennsylvania. Here we go through the area code 717 location.

All calls in the 717 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits will need to be dialed using ten digits, that is, the area code + telephone number. The same dialing procedure will apply to telephone numbers assigned to the new 223 area code.

717 Area Code Location: Pennsylvania

Who will be affected?

The 717 area code covers the south-central portion of the state serving communities such as Harrisburg, Lancaster, Gettysburg, Lebanon, and York. The new 223 area code will serve the same geographic area currently served by the existing 717 area code.

Why is the change necessary?

To ensure a continuing supply of telephone numbers, the new 223 area code will be added to the area served by 717. Since two area codes will now serve the same geographic region, the area code must be used when dialing any telephone number - including calls within the same area code.

Beginning September 26, 2017, new customers in the 717 geographic area may be assigned telephone numbers with the new 223 area code. All calls made within and between area codes 717 and 223 must be placed using the 10-digit telephone number (717 or 223 plus the 7-digit telephone number).

When will the change become mandatory?

Starting August 26, 2017, you must use the new dialing procedure for all local calls.  If you do not use the new dialing procedure, your call will not be completed, and a recording will instruct you to hang up and dial again.

However, all customers should begin using the new dialing procedure before August 26, 2017.

What will you need to do?

In addition to changing your dialing procedures, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment that are programmed to dial a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to use the new dialing procedure.  Some examples are stored telephone numbers in contact lists in wireless phones, PBXs, fax machines, Internet dial-up numbers, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, etc.  Medical alert devices, safety alarm security systems, and gates, ankle monitors, or other similar equipment must be programmed to use 10-digit dialing.  Many systems operate on 10-digit dialing by default but some older equipment may still use 7 digits.  Please contact your medical alert or security provider if you don’t know whether your equipment needs to be reprogrammed to accommodate the upcoming change to 10-digit dialing.  You may also want to check your website, business stationery and advertising materials, printed checks, contact information, and your personal or pet ID tags to ensure the area code is included.

What will remain the same?

  • Your telephone number, including the current area code, will not change.
  • The price of a call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay.
  • What is a local call now will remain a local call regardless of the number of digits dialed.
  • You will continue to dial 1+ area code + telephone number for all calls to other area codes (outside of 717 and 223).
  • You can still dial just three digits to reach 911.
  • If 211, 311, 411, 511, 611, 711, or 811 are currently available in your community you will still dial these codes with just three digits.

909 Area Code Map

516 Area Code Location

So that's the 717 Area Code Location Map, cities list & other details.

This post was last modified on September 22, 2023 8:12 AM

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