Area Code

What & Where is 724 Area Code - Location, Cities, Counties

What & Where is 724 Area Code Verizon Wireless in the USA, Area code 724 location, counties, cities, phone numbers, and region. The United States of America introduced area codes to serve millions of phone customers. These telephone dialing areas have a unique number assigned to a state or a part of the state and it can be possible that a state may have more than one area code. Here will be discussing the 724 area code location and region. These area codes are used for local landline calls, cell phones (individual & business), & faxes. We will cover the… Read More

Who is Calling from Area Code 855 - Location, Map

Wanted to know who is calling from Area Code 855. Know what is this mobile extension used for and which country is it associated with. The North American Numbering Plan (NANP) was introduced in 1999 to provide numbers for a growing customer base. A unique 3-digit code is assigned before the 7-digit mobile number to make it 10-digit and it varies from state to state. Previously we have gone through the 717 area code and here in this article, we go through what area code 855 location and whether is it safe to answer calls from this area code or… Read More

What Area Code is 877 - Location Map, Toll Free, Scam Calls

What area code is 877 in America? Let's check out location, map, history, networks, and famous cities. Currently running North American area codes were incorporated in 1999 and nobody can forget the +1877 area code because this is most commonly used for toll-free numbers across America. In this article, we go through all aspects of the 877 Area code, its location map, common uses, and much more! What Area Code is 877 According to the North American Numbering Plan(NANP), the 877 is a toll-free number prefix. It means that callers don't have to pay to dial businesses and organizations in… Read More

631 Area Code Location, Cities, & Networks Map

Check out what and where is the 631 area code in America. Know about its location, famous cities, history, and network map. The 631 area code is a North American telephone area code that was created in 1999 when it split off from area code 516, which used to cover all of Long Island but now it covers the central and eastern regions of Suffolk County in New York State.  These codes are used for cell phones(individuals and businesses), landline calls, and faxes. The 631 area code serves a population of over 1.4 million people, making it the most populous… Read More

Where is 909 Area Code Location, Cities, Towns, Network Map

Check out what & where is 909 area codes in America, map location, counties, cities, time zones, and regions. North American countries introduced the North American Numbering Plan (NANP), a telephone numbering plan to fill out a growing customer base. According to this, there is a unique area code assigned to each state in the USA which is added before 7 digit mobile number to make it 10 digits. We have already gone through Area code 845 yesterday, today we will check out detailed info on the 909 area code map location, major cities, and favorite networks to choose from in… Read More

Where is 717 Area Code Location Map, Cities & Counties

Check out what and where is 717 Area Code location map, Cities & Counties. US Telecom regulatory (FCC) has assigned specific state-wise calling codes. For Pennsylvania state, a 717 area code is assigned. If you receive a phone call starting with 717 you should understand that the SIM is registered in the state of Pennsylvania. Here we go through the area code 717 location. All calls in the 717 area code that are currently dialed with seven digits will need to be dialed using ten digits, that is, the area code + telephone number. The same dialing procedure will apply… Read More

What & Where is 845 Area Code - Location, Cities, Counties

What & Where is 845 Area Code Verizon Wireless in USA, Area code 845 location, counties, cities, and region. In order to serve millions of customers, the United States of telecom introduced area codes. These phone dialing areas have a unique dial code assigned to a state or a part of the state. These area codes are used for local landline calls, cell phones (individual & business), & fax. For example, 724 corresponds to Pennsylvania West and we will go through Area code 845 here. 845 Area Code Area code 845 corresponds to the US State of New York SouthEast.… Read More

Check 516 Area Code Location, Cities, Networks, Map

Check out what & where is the 516 area code in America, its location, counties, cities, preferred networks and region. With mobile numbers increasing, and to serve all the customers American telecom authorities introduced Area codes through NANP. It's a 3-digit unique number assigned to a state or a part of the state and it can be possible that a state may have more than one area code. It should be dialed before the actual number because it maintains simplicity to identify caller detail. Here we will go through the 516 area code location map, time zone, and regions. These… Read More