Apple is one of the largest companies in the world who owned a reputation for its hard work over the years. Apple is one of the few companies that achieved a milestone of $1 trillion market capitalization, but who owns Apple now and previously? Let's check it out here.
Steve Jobs, the face of Apple, changed the world of smartphones with the introduction of the iPhone in 2007. iPhones are now ruling the world with all their unique features and it's a prefered choice on all networks & MVNOs. Firstly he introduced the stylus, as it is difficult to carry he announced multitouch. It has been 15 years iPhone is in the spotlight, and the reason behind it is Steve Jobs. Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011, leaving behind the world of technology. Since then Tim Cook the former COO of Apple has taken the place of Jobs becoming the 2nd CEO of Apple. Tim Cook has a major shareholding in Apple as an individual shareholder, but have you wondered who owns Apple? Let's find it out here.
Who Owns Apple:
Apple Inc. is owned by individual and institutional shareholders and clearly, there is no single or sole owner. The company shareholders are individuals who are also called AAPL (American Association of Professional Landmen) and a few institutional shareholders are also a major part of Apple's investment.
The Vanguard Group and BlackRock Inc are the two main institutional shareholders of Apple.
Firstly Let's see who are Apple's Individual Shareholders
TIM COOK (CEO) of Apple
Tim Cook is the CEO of Apple since August 2011, after the death of Steve Jobs, Tim has been appointed as the new CEO of Apple. Before serving as CEO Tim Cook was COO of Apple. He also spent 12 years at IBM. Apple's CEO owns 8,37, 374 shares, representing 0.02% of all outstanding shares.
Levinson has been the chair of the board since 2011. He joined Apple in 2000, Arthur also served as co-lead director since 2005. He served on all three board committees, audit, finance, nominating, and corporate governance and compensation. Arthur Levinson owns 4.592,140 shares of Apple stock.
Jeff Williams is the Chief operating officer. Williams leads Apple's design team, and he reports to Tim Cook on the entire worldwide operations, and customer service and support. The total value of Jeff Williams's current stake in Apple is $41 million.
Albert Arnold Gore Jr. is the 45th Vice President of the United States of America. Al has an incredible wealth of knowledge and wisdom Apple from having helped in running the largest organization in the world. He has been on the board of directors at Apple since 2003. AL Gore now owns 113, 585 Apple shares. His stakes are valued at $35.2 million.
Apple's Institutional Shareholders
The Vanguard Group
The Vanguard Group is the world's largest investment company, with $7 trillion in global assets under management. Vanguard Group holds $1.3 billion shares of Apple. It holds 1,196,152,755 shares with 7.33% of stakes.
BlackRock Fund Advisor
BlackRock is an investment fund managing more than $3.91 trillion in assets under management. BlackRock has the highest holding in Apple with 1,019,810,291 shares whose worth is $181 billion and making up 4.6% of the portfolio value.
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc
Buffet Berkshire Hathaway acquired 887 million shares of Apple with a 5.4 percent stake. Warren Buffet the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway hit a record in Apple stake in December 2021 with $152 billion.
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So that's all about Who Owns Apple i.e., Apple owner details.
This post was last modified on March 29, 2023 7:21 AM