What & Where is 724 Area Code Verizon Wireless in the USA, Area code 724 location, counties, cities, phone numbers, and region.
The United States of America introduced area codes to serve millions of phone customers. These telephone dialing areas have a unique number assigned to a state or a part of the state and it can be possible that a state may have more than one area code. Here will be discussing the 724 area code location and region. These area codes are used for local landline calls, cell phones (individual & business), & faxes.
We will cover the following topics in this article -
724 Area Code
Area code 724 corresponds to Pennsylvania West. i.e., the 724 code should be dialed before the 7-digit number for all landlines, cell phones (individual & business), & fax.
Not all part of the Pennsylvania region uses this code and so it further raises questions on which part this area code corresponds to. So let us go through the list of cities and localities where this dialing code applies.
Counties under Area Code 724 Location:
The following counties come under the area 724 dialing code -
- Allegheny County (northern, eastern, and western edges)
- Armstrong County (all except the northeast portion)
- Beaver County
- Butler County
- Clarion County (portions of the west)
- Crawford County (extreme southwestern portion only)
- Fayette County
- Greene County
- Indiana County (all except portions of the east)
- Lawrence County
- Mercer County (all except the northeastern portion)
- Venango County (southeastern portion only)
- Washington County
- Westmoreland County (all except a portion in the extreme northeast)
Area Code 724 Cities
The area code is for the following cities -
- New Castle
- Murrysville
- Hermitage
- Beaver Falls
- Brave
- Butler
- California
- Clark
- Clinton
- Crabtree
- Darlington
- Greensburg
- & Many more
724 Phone Numbers:
If you are living in Pennsylvania West then you are eligible to get a +1-724 phone number from the telecom exchange.
So that's all about the 724 Area Code location map and region details. Are you living in Beaver or Butler County?
Key Takeaways:
The +1-274 corresponds to phone numbers in the Pennsylvania West state
The three-digit code 724 should be dialed before the 7-digit number for all landlines, cell phones
This post was last modified on May 19, 2024 9:08 AM